21st Specialized Exhibition of
Building Materials

OSM 2020

January 28-31, 2020 MOSCOW | CEC “Expocentre”

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Exhibitors 2018:

Your satisfaction is our priority
Engineering company in the field of ceramic production (bricks, roofing tiles, refractory pieces...)

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Available. Fast. Reliable.
The manufacturer of decorative and finishing materials for the facades of buildings as well as for finishing interiors.

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  • Faсad system AMK (PE Dzhelaukhov S.G.)
Manufacturer of products VELOX building system

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  • booth FIG "ROSSTRO"

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  • D-801

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  • booth
If you plan to build a house in the nearest future and are interested in log houses our log house forum will not only give you a chance to get detailed recommendations and advice on the construction process but will also let you know the reviews of log houses’ owners
Fr. Petersen A/S
Bricks are our passion
The roots of Fr. Petersen go back to 1791 in the brick making industry. The company has for more than 200 years been a trusted supplier for the brick manufactures of the world. Through innovation and machine optimization Fr. Petersen has helped developed the brick industry and its production. Fr. Petersen is supporting, delivering machines and known how to some of the best known brick manufactures in the world. Many of the new developments come out of bespoke design for designated clients.

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  • C
Nano-technology and innovative materials to improve human life.
Distribútor spoločnosti "Inovatívne technológie" Kaza? rastlín inovatívnych technológií. Produktový rad zahŕ?a: tepelná izolácia povlak RE-THERM/RE-THERM; polymér maľovanie hydroizolácie R-COMPOSIT, superthin oh?ovzdorné povlak RE-PLAMEŇ, super nosenie-odolný náter S-COMPOSIT,protiples?ové, antiseptické impregnácia NANO-FIX MEDIK, anti-hrdzu náter NANO-FIX ANTICOR, NANO-FIX PRIMER - náter na zvýšenie priľnavosti, vysoko koncentrované, penetrácia stien, podláh a stropov - NANO-FIX, a mnohé ďalšie zlúčeniny, potrebné pre použitie v rôznych typoch konštrukcia, výroba, ropy, zemného plynu, chemický priemysel, vodné cestnej a železničnej doprave a v iných oblastiach ľudskej činnosti. Zárukou kvality našich výrobkov na účinný, bezúdržbovou prevádzkou 15 rokov (ak sa technologický proces v náter).

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  • booth